How to Add Products on Seller Portal

Adding products to your Foundation B2B store is crucial for maintaining an up-to-date and comprehensive online catalog.

There are three primary methods to add products:

  1. 🛍️Connecting your Shopify store
  2. Using a bulk upload template
  3. 💻Manually through the Seller Portal

This guide focuses on manually adding products, providing you with a detailed walkthrough.

Step 1: Access the Product Section

From the welcome screen of the Seller Portal, navigate to 'Products' and then select 'All Products' to begin adding a product from the Seller Portal.

Step 2: Enter Product Details

On the product creation page, begin by entering basic details, such as the product title and description.

↘️Assign the product to a category. If no categories exist, you will need to create a new one under the 'Categories' section found within 'Products'.

Step 3: Define Product Variants

Decide whether your product has variants, such as different sizes or colors.

If your product has variants, you can add up to four options for variants, such as size and color, and add variant values (example for size could be: Small, Medium, Large).

Enter SKUs and UPCs for each variant; note that SKUs are mandatory.

Step 4: Manage Variant Availability

Configure the visibility of each variant on your storefront. You can toggle whether each variant is available or unavailable.

Step 5: Add Media

Upload images and documents for the product. You can assign images to specific variants grouped by attributes like color.

↘️Product documents might include usage instructions or related information, accessible to buyers on the storefront.

Step 6: Set Pricing

Define the cost price, MSRP, MAP, and wholesale price. Remember, the cost price is not visible to buyers.

↘️Implement tier-based pricing if applicable, which allows discounted prices for larger quantities.

Step 7: Save and Publish Your Product

Ensure all details are complete and save your product. Initially, products are saved in a 'Draft' state.

↘️Change the status from 'Draft' to 'Published' to make the product visible on the storefront.

Final Step: Review on Storefront

After publishing, view the product on your storefront to ensure all details, including variants and pricing tiers, are displayed correctly.

💡Tips and Tricks:

  • Regularly update your product catalog to ensure it reflects current offerings and inventory.
  • Utilize high-quality images and detailed descriptions to enhance product visibility and appeal.


  • If a product or its variants do not appear as expected on the storefront, verify that all settings have been saved correctly and that the product status is set to 'Published'.

✔️This guide should help you confidently add products to your Foundation B2B store via the Seller Portal.

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