How to Upload Products in Bulk

The Bulk Upload feature on the Seller Portal facilitates the data upload of several product items using a ".csv" file. Each row in the file pertains to a unique item - a stand-alone product, a parent product, or a variant.

A. Key

Item Type:

  • Stand-alone Products: Those items without any associated variants, just a single item product.

  • Parent Products: are those that have more than one associated variant.

  • Variants: Variations of a Parent Product.

💡For example, a "shirt" can vary in size and color, here, “shirt” is the parent product, and “shirt / size: small / color: blue” would be the variant. Similarly, there can be multiple variants for any parent product.

Field Descriptions:

  • All: This label is used for fields that apply to all 3 item types - stand-alone products, parent products, and variants.
  • Variant Specific: This label is used for fields that are only applicable to the variants.
  • Stand-alone Products & Variant Specific: This label is used for fields that apply to both stand-alone products and variants.
  • Parent & Stand-alone Product Specific: This label is used for fields that are only applicable to parent products and stand-alone products (which are essentially parent products without any associated variants).

B. CSV File Structure and Headers

The CSV file requires specific information, arranged in columns:

Field Item Type Requirement Description
product_code Parent & Stand-alone Product Specific Mandatory This is the unique code assigned to the parent or stand-alone product. This code needs to be unique but not necessarily meaningful. It functions as an identifier for parent products and helps link child items (variants) to their parent products. This is NOT visible to the buyers and is used for internal product data management.
parent_product_code Variant Specific Mandatory For each child item (variant), enter the 'product_code' of its corresponding parent product here. This value links the variant item to its parent product.
title Parent & Stand-alone Product Specific Mandatory This field holds the name of the parent or stand-alone product.
product_category Parent & Stand-alone Product Specific Mandatory Input the category under which the product falls. Please note that the category entered must have been pre-created on the Seller Portal; otherwise, it will result in an error.
product_description Parent & Stand-alone Product Specific Optional Use this field to provide a detailed description of the parent or stand-alone product.
sku Stand-alone Products & Variant Specific Mandatory Input the unique SKU (Stock-Keeping Unit or Item Number) assigned to each variant. For stand-alone products, this field needs to be filled within the product row.
upc Stand-alone Products & Variant Specific Optional Insert the UPC (Unique Product Code) attached to each variant. For stand-alone items, this field can be filled in the product row.
minimum_order_quantity All Optional  
wholesale_price Stand-alone Products & Variant Specific Mandatory Input the wholesale price for each variant. This makes the product available for purchase. Only numbers and the decimal point (.) are allowed in this field (not $, special characters or alphabets).
map Stand-alone Products & Variant Specific Optional Enter the desired Minimum Advertised Price for each variant. This field only accepts numbers and the decimal point (.) (not $, special characters or alphabets).
msrp Stand-alone Products & Variant Specific Optional Enter the Manufacturer's Suggested Retail Price for each variant. This field should only contain numbers and the decimal point (.) (not $, special characters or alphabets).
status Parent & Stand-alone Product Specific Mandatory Indicate the product's availability. The system accepts three predefined statuses: 'archived', 'published', and 'draft'.
variant_size Variant Specific Optional For size variants, specify the size information in this field.
variant_color Variant Specific Optional For color variants, describe the color in this field. For any other variant attributes, add these columns as variant_attribute.
image_1 All Optional Input the URL, starting with 'http://', to an image here. If more images are to be added, use the image_2image_3, ...image_n fields accordingly.

💡To see an example of how your CSV file should look, please send an email to

C. Uploading Your CSV File

  1. Compile your CSV file according to the guidelines above.
  2. Log in to the Seller Portal.
  3. Navigate to the 'Products' section in your dashboard and click on 'Import’.
  4. Select the specific vendor for which you want to update or upload products.
  5. Click 'Upload File'.
  6. Locate and select your CSV file in your local storage.
  7. Click 'Upload'. This directs you to the 'Import History' section.
  8. Find your uploaded file, which would be marked 'pending' under status.
  9. Click 'Review'. This displays a brief summary of the uploaded data. Now, you can either 'Proceed' if the summary looks good or 'Cancel' if you wish to re-upload the data.
  • Proceed: If you're sure the data is correct. The system will begin the import process. Once successful, the status changes to 'success'. Should your file fail to upload due to errors, the status will be displayed as 'error’, and a failed file will be provided with all the errors in the uploaded file.

  • Cancel: If you find errors or if you wish to make changes within the file, the file's status will then change to 'cancelled'.

📩Need more help or further clarification? Email us at