Independent Sales Reps

Learn how to invite sales representatives to your Foundation store and assign them to specific buyer accounts.

Store owners can invite Independent Sales Representatives to their stores. This feature enables you to assign specific buyer accounts to sales reps, ensuring they only have access to the accounts they're responsible for. By empowering your sales team with tailored access, you can streamline account management and enhance sales efficiency.

Key Benefits:

  • Controlled Access: Sales reps can only view and manage the buyer accounts assigned to them, ensuring data privacy and focused sales efforts.
  • Improved Sales Management: Assigning buyer accounts to specific sales reps helps in managing relationships more effectively and tracking performance.
  • Enhanced Security: By limiting access to only assigned accounts, you reduce the risk of unauthorized access to sensitive buyer information.

A. Inviting a Sales Representative

Log into your Seller Portal and go to the 'Admin' section. From the Admin menu, choose the 'Sales Reps' option to manage your sales team.

Invite Sales Rep

To add a new sales representative, click on the 'Invite Sales Rep' button and provide the sales rep’s email address and name.

Once the details are entered, send the invitation. The sales rep will receive an email with instructions on how to set up their account.

B. Assigning Customer Accounts to Sales Reps

📖 Note: Once the invited Sales Rep accepts the invitation you can assign customer accounts to the Sales Rep.

Navigate to the 'Customers' section on the left-hand navigation menu. Go to 'All Customers' and select the customer account you want assign the sales rep.

In the buyer's account, find the 'Account Manager' option.

Select the sales rep you invited from the drop-down menu to apply it to the customer account.

C. Sales Rep Access

Once the sales rep has been assigned to specific customer accounts, they will have access to the following features:


Sales reps can view the performance metrics and statistics related to the buyer accounts they manage.

Manage and Invite Customer Accounts

They can manage existing customer accounts assigned to them and invite new customers.

💡Related article: Invite Buyers to your Store

Manage and Update Orders

Sales reps can manage and update orders from their assigned customer accounts, ensuring accurate order processing and fulfillment.

💡Related article: Managing Orders and Payments

Place Orders for Customers

They can place orders on behalf of their customers, streamlining the purchasing process.

💡Related article: Place an Order for a Buyer

Restricted Access

Sales reps do not have access to other store settings or business details, ensuring that sensitive information remains secure and is only accessible to authorized personnel.

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