Navigation: How to Create a Navigation Menu for Storefront

In this guide, we'll show you how to set up navigation for your storefront.

The Navigation page is where you can control how customers navigate your online store. Learn how to set up and manage your store's navigation to enhance the user experience. Customizing your storefront navigation allows you to categorize your products, making it easier for buyers to navigate and find what they're looking for.

Step 1: Log In and Navigate to the Navigation Tab

Log into the Seller Portal and find the 'Navigation' tab on the left-hand column.

Step 2: Edit the Main Menu

The Main Menu on the storefront is currently the only place where you can set up navigation. To start setting up your navigation, click 'Edit' next to 'Main Menu'.

Step 3: Add Menu Items

Click 'Add Menu Item' to create a new tab for your storefront.

This could be a parent menu item such as 'Electronics' or 'Apparel'.

Step 4: Add Sub Items

You can add child menu items under the parent menu item.

For example, if 'Electronics' is your main item, you can add 'Mobiles' and 'Laptops' as sub-items. You can even add further sub-items under these, creating a multi-layered navigation structure.

📖Note: The main item is known as a 'parent menu item', the first sub-item is a 'child menu item', and any items under that are 'grandchild menu items'.

Step 5: Add Products to Your Items

To add products to these navigation tabs, click the pen icon next to the item. Here, you can search for a product or an entire category to add to the navigation tab.

📖Note: If you add a product to a grandchild menu item, it will also appear in the child and parent menu items.

Step 6: Save and Review Your Changes

Once you've added all your items and their respective products or categories, click 'Save'.

To view your changes, click 'Visit Store'.

You'll see the tabs or parent menu items you created at the top of your storefront. Hover over a tab to see its child menu items, and hover over that to see any further items. Click on any menu item to see the products added to it.

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