How to Update Products in Bulk

This guide will walk you through the process of exporting, editing, and re-importing product data on the Foundation B2B Seller Portal.

Updating product information in bulk is an efficient way to manage large catalogs, especially when changes like price adjustments or status updates are needed across multiple items.

Step 1: Export Existing Product Data

Log into the Seller Portal and navigate to the 'Products' section. Click on 'All Products'.

📖Note: If you operate a multi-vendor store, select the vendor for which you want to export data. Click 'Export'. If not, you will not see such an option.

Navigate to the 'Import/Export' section. If your exported file does not appear immediately, refresh the page until it does.

⏬Download the exported CSV file and open it using Excel or Google Sheets.

Step 2: Update Product Data

In your spreadsheet, update the necessary fields such as product title, wholesale price, description, or product status. You can also add new images by specifying them in the appropriate columns.

💡Important: Do not alter the SKU or product codes, as these are crucial for the system to recognize and properly update your products.

Step 3: Prepare the Updated File

Once all updates are completed, save your changes and ensure the file is saved in .csv format.

Step 4: Import the Updated Data

Return to the 'All Products' tab in the Seller Portal.

Click the 'Add Products' button and choose the 'Upload from CSV' option for bulk updates.

Upload your updated CSV file and navigate to the 'Import/Export' section to monitor the status of your file, which will initially appear as 'Pending Review'.

Review the import to approve the updates or cancel if necessary.

Step 5: Finalize Changes

Approve the import to finalize the updates. If there are errors, the system will provide a failed file with details on what needs correction.

Correct any errors indicated and re-import the file if necessary.

💡Tips and Tricks:

  • Regularly back up your product data before making bulk updates to prevent any loss of information.
  • Use the bulk update feature to apply changes during off-peak hours to minimize any potential disruptions to your store operations.


  • If you encounter errors during the import, carefully review the error messages and the failed file to identify and correct specific issues.
  • Ensure that the CSV file format is maintained, as formatting errors can cause the import to fail.

This guide provides a comprehensive overview of how to efficiently update product data in bulk, helping you manage your product offerings more effectively on the Foundation B2B platform. For further assistance or queries, reach out to your success manager.

📩Need more help or further clarification? Email us at