How to receive payments by check

Here are the instructions to provide the information required by your customers to send you a physical check.


  1. Go to Admin >> Sites
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  2. Click on Payment Options
  3. On the Payment Options screen, click on “Add Instructions for Check in Mail.”
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  4. In the form, fill in the required information
    1. Pay To: This is the name in your business bank account, usually your company name
    2. Address to Send: The physical address where you would like your customers to mail you the check.
    3. Memo: This is the information your customers can fill on the check. Usually, the invoice or order number.
    4. Other Instructions: Any other information you would like to share with the customer using the “Check in Mail” option when placing the order.

All the information entered in this form will be shown to your customers when placing the order. 


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