How to Create Volume Based Pricing

In this guide, we'll show you how to set up volume-based pricing for your products on Foundation's Seller Portal.

Volume-based pricing, also known as tiered pricing, allows you to offer lower per-unit costs for larger quantities, incentivizing buyers to purchase in large quantities.

Step 1: Log In and Navigate to Products

Log into the Seller Portal and find 'Products' in the left-hand column. Click on ‘All Products’ to navigate to your product list.

Step 2: Select a Product

To set up volume-based pricing, go to the product for which you want to create the tiered pricing.

Step 3: Go to the Pricing Tab

Once you're on the product page, navigate to the 'Pricing' tab. Here, you'll see all the SKUs for that product.

Step 4: Set Up Volume Tiers

The top column signifies the volume, which by default should be '1+'. This means that any quantity of 1 or more would cost the default price.

Click on the '+' sign to add a volume tier. Enter the quantity where this tier starts.

For example, if you enter '100', the first tier will change to '1-99' and the second tier will be '100+'.

📖Note: The price for the new tier will initially be '0'. You can change this according to your pricing strategy.

✔️You can add multiple tiers this way. Each time you add a new tier, the previous tiers will adjust automatically.

Step 5: Save Your Changes

Once you've set up all your tiers, click 'Save'. To start over, hit ‘Discard’.

Step 6: Check the Pricing on the Storefront

To view how your volume-based pricing looks to the buyers, go to the storefront and select the product. Click 'Visit Store' to view the storefront. You will see the tiers and their respective prices.

📖 When a buyer adds the product to their cart, the per-unit price for their quantity will be highlighted.

✔️If they increase the quantity and move to a higher volume tier, the highlighted price will adjust accordingly.

📩 Need more help or further clarification? Email us at