How to Create Discounts

In this guide, we'll walk you through creating and managing discounts on Foundation's Seller Portal.

Discounts are a strategic lever in your business, incentivizing purchases and fostering stronger relationships with your customers.

This video tutorial navigates you through the process of creating discounts, a feature designed to give you flexibility and control over your sales strategy. We cover everything from defining discount details to selecting the customers and SKUs it applies to, and finally, reviewing how the discount appears on your storefront.

Step 1: Log In and Navigate to Discounts

Log into the Seller Portal and find 'Discounts' under ‘Products’ on the menu on the left side.

📖Note: Ensure you've invited customers and uploaded products to your store before creating a discount.

Step 2: Create a New Discount

Click on the 'New Discount' button. This will take you to the Create Discount page.

Step 3: Fill in the Discount Details

On this page, you'll find a few fields to fill in:

  1. Title: Enter the title of your discount.
  2. Discount Value: Enter the discount value. This can be a percentage or a fixed amount. For example, entering '25' and selecting 'Percent of' will create a 25% discount. Selecting 'Amount of' will create a $25 discount.
  3. Start Date: Select the start date for your discount.
  4. End Date: Check “Set end date” if you want the discount to automatically end on a certain date. If you do not set an end date, the discount will continue until you end it manually.

📖Note: You can end the discount anytime by clicking the 'End Discount' button once the discount has been created, even if you've set an end date.

Step 4: Select Customers

You have three options for applying the discount to customers:

  1. All Customers: The discount applies to all customers.
  2. Include Customers: You can select specific customers to include in the discount. Only these customers will see the discount.
  3. Exclude Customers: You can select specific customers to exclude from the discount. These customers will not see the discount.

Step 5: Select SKUs

Similar to customers, you can select how the discount applies to SKUs:

  1. All SKUs: The discount applies to all SKUs.
  2. Include SKUs: You can select specific SKUs to include in the discount. Only these SKUs will be discounted.
  3. Exclude SKUs: You can select specific SKUs to exclude from the discount. These SKUs will not be discounted.

Step 6: Review and Save

Review your discount details in the overview section on the right-hand side. This section provides a summary of your selections. Once you're satisfied, click 'Save'.

Step 7: Check the Discount on the Storefront

Click 'Visit Store' to view the storefront. Select a product that the discount applies to. You will see the original price crossed out, and the discounted price is now visible. Hover over the discount to see the title and end date.

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