Estimated Ship Date

Learn how to set up and utilize the estimated ship date feature to manage buyer expectations and streamline order processing.

The estimated ship date feature allows buyers to set realistic expectations for when their orders will be shipped. This feature is particularly useful for B2B scenarios where buyers may require delayed shipments to match their storage and inventory needs.

📈Benefits and Use Cases📉:

  • Realistic Expectations: Buyers can see when their order will be shipped, reducing uncertainty.
  • Delayed Shipments: Buyers can request delayed shipments, which is ideal for businesses with limited storage space.

💡Example: A coffee shop ordering large volumes of coffee beans can request shipment for a future date when they have space available.

A. Setting Up Handling Time

Log into the Seller Portal and navigate to the 'Brands' tab. Click on the brand listed under your store.

Scroll down to find the 'Handling Time' section under 'Order Information'.

Defining Order Processing Time

Define the order processing time by entering the number of calendar days or business days it takes to process (or pick, pack and ship) an order.

Setting Cutoff Time

Define the cutoff time, which marks the end of the working day.

💡Example: If the cutoff time is set to 5 p.m., orders placed after 5 p.m. will be considered as placed on the next day.

Specifying Shipping Days

Select the days on which you ship orders.

💡Example: If you only ship on Tuesdays and Thursdays, select these days in the system.

B. Storefront Checkout Experience

Based on the inputs provided (processing time, cutoff time, and shipping days), the system calculates an estimated shipping date from the order placement date. This estimated ship date is displayed on the checkout screen.

Select the Preferred Ship Date

Buyers can edit the ship date to their preferred date.

Once the order is placed, the seller is notified of the buyer’s preferred shipping date, reducing the need for further communication.

💡Note: The Estimated Ship Date is the date when the order will be shipped, not delivered.

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