Connect your domain - Google Domains

In order to connect your Foundation Wholesale Portal to your domain you need to add a CNAME entry in your domain DNS. This changes do not affect your current site.

Most brands prefer to create their wholesale site under the wholesale sub-domain such as where is their marketing or direct-to-consumer site.

  1. Sign in with the Google Account to Google Domains
  2. Click My domains
  3. From the list of domains click “Manage” on the domain you want to connect with Foundation
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  4. Click DNS from the left side menu
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  5. Add the following record

    In the hostname: Add “wholesale” or “store

    From the Type drop down: Select CNAME

    Leave the TTL as it is

    In data: Add the URL of your Foundation store. This URL can be found by clicking on the “View Store” link in your Foundation seller portal. You just need the base url of

    Your screen should look something like this before you save.

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  6. Save this changes.

✔️CNAME changes can take up to 72 hours.

✔️If you still don’t see your changes, please reach out to your customer success manager or email us at

📩 Need more help or further clarification? Email us at