
The Collections page is where you can group your products. Learn how to create and manage collections to highlight specific groups of products for your customers.

Collections in Foundation B2B allow you to curate groups of products that you wish to promote or highlight on your storefront. This guide will walk you through the process of creating, managing, and displaying collections effectively.

A. Create a New Collection

Navigate to the Collections tab within your Seller Portal.

Click on 'Create New Collection' and name your collection.

Add Products or Categories

After naming your collection, you can search and select individual products you wish to add.

Alternatively, choose an entire category to include all products within that category into your collection.

Upload the Collection Banner and Save

You can upload an image as a collection banner and click 'Save' to store the settings of your collection.

B. Display Collections on the Homepage

Go to the homepage management section of your Seller Portal.

You can add collections to your homepage by selecting them and placing them where you prefer them to appear.

✔️It is advisable to include at least two items in a collection for aesthetic balance.

Adjust the Placement of Collections

Adjust where each collection's banner appears on the page—choices typically include left or right alignments.

✔️Rearrange the order of collections as needed to best fit your storefront's design and promotional strategy.

Preview and Modify

Before finalizing, preview the homepage to see how the collections appear.

Make any necessary adjustments to the placement or contents of your collections.

Publish Changes

Once satisfied with the setup, click 'Save & Publish' to apply changes.

Use the 'View on Storefront' button to see how the collections appear live on your storefront. This process may take a few minutes to update.

💡Tips and Tricks:

  • Ensure that each collection is well-defined and organized to attract and engage visitors.
  • Regularly update collections to reflect seasonal offers, new arrivals, or current trends to keep the storefront fresh and exciting.


  • If changes do not appear immediately on the storefront, ensure that all settings are saved properly and allow a few minutes for updates to propagate.

🏁This guide helps you effectively manage collections within Foundation B2B, making it easier to highlight key products and enhance your storefront's appeal. If there are any issues or if you need further assistance, please reach out to our support team.🏁

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