
The Categories page is where you can create and manage categories in order to assign it to a product for better product management.

In Foundation B2B, categories are essential for organizing products internally and can be leveraged in various ways to enhance the storefront experience. This guide will explain how to create and utilize categories, subcategories, and how they interact with collections and navigation on your storefront.

Step 1: Create Categories and Subcategories

Navigate to the 'Categories' tab within the Seller Portal.

Begin by creating a main category. You can further organize products by adding subcategories and even sub-subcategories, creating multiple layers of organization.

Step 2: Assign Products to Categories

Assign products to these categories as needed.

📖Note: It's important to note that these categories are primarily for internal management and not directly displayed on the storefront.

Step 3: Use Categories in Collections

Go to the 'Collections' tab to group products for storefront display.

You can add products to a collection either by searching for an individual product or by selecting an entire category, which automatically includes all products under that category.

Step 4: Manage Storefront Navigation

Navigate to the 'Navigation' feature to define how products are displayed on the storefront tabs.

Create a navigation tab. You can add individual products or an entire category to this tab.

Adding a category to a navigation tab will automatically include all products assigned to that category, under the navigation tab, on the storefront.

💡Tips and Tricks:

  • Use clear and descriptive names for categories and subcategories to make internal management easier.
  • Regularly update categories and navigation settings to reflect changes in your product offerings or promotional strategies.


  • If products do not appear under the correct navigation tabs, double-check that they are assigned to the correct categories.
  • Ensure that all settings are saved correctly before exiting any management screens.

By following these steps, you can effectively manage product organization within the Seller Portal and control how products are displayed to buyers on the storefront. If you encounter any issues or have questions about using categories in Foundation B2B, please contact our support team for assistance.

📩Need more help or further clarification? Email us at